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Showing posts from September, 2021

Can Twitter Help Your Business?

 As technology advances and social media becomes more prominent as the years go by, more and more businesses are hopping onto these social media platforms to try to promote their business and build their brands. Is using social media the best way to do this? In my opinion, I think it is the best possible way to get your name and business out there nowadays. Twitter currently has over 350 million active users. This is a hotspot for a business to promote their brands and help get their name out there. There have been many times where I am scrolling through my personal Twitter account and come across a product that I find interesting. I then go to the product's company website and looking deeper into the product. On some occasions, I have even bought the product that I saw on Twitter. This isn't just happening to me, this is happening to millions of people worldwide. Just one tweet can reach millions and millions of people which can work wonders for your company. This also has a b

Homecoming Week

 It is a really big week on campus throughout the week due to homecoming. Homecoming is a great chance to get involved with different organizations and different activities that are going on around campus. I have received countless emails about different events that are happening around campus. Some of these events include BizBash, Career Fair, Dodgeball, and many many more. Due to Covid, Homecoming was cancelled last year and I didn't get to experience it. Now this year with homecoming week coming back to life I get to experience different events that homecoming week brings. One of these events that I get to participate in is the football game. In high school, the football game was kind of the main event of homecoming week and I feel like it could be the same in college. Homecoming royalty is usually crowned during halftime of the football game. The crowd at the homecoming football game is usually always bigger than the typical crowd. Alumni, friends, and family packed the stands

Insta Ads

 Have you ever been going through your phone and seeing ads that pop up randomly after you just have been thinking or talking about them? I have also had the same thing happen to me. The ads you see on Instagram are called Instagram ads. Instagram is a huge way for companies to advertise their products and services. It is actually the second most used platform for advertising. Similar to Facebook the Instagram ads are set up the same way. You need to establish an audience. Many components are used to establish an audience such as location, demographics, and interests. The location means that you want to target people that are in the same approximate location as you, the advertiser, or stores of your product, Demographics are categories such as age and gender. You also want to target people that have interests that align with your product. There are also many ways you can set up an Instagram ad with different formats, You want to use a format that is appealing to the audience while also

Campus Fun

 As we are heading into the heart of the semester different activities and events are starting to pop back up. It seems like I am getting emails every five seconds from different fraternities, sororities, and campus student organizations inviting me to come to their events. For example, for one of my sport management classes, I get to attend a dodgeball tournament and complete that as one of my assignments. I think this is a cool way to interact with different people on campus and have some fun too. Due to Covid last year many of these events were cancelled or turned virtual which wasn't ideal. With Covid restrictions relaxing a little bit it is awesome to see the campus getting back to somewhat normal with all of these events going on.  As I said last year many of these events didn't happen. I personally didn't know many people on campus which was hard for me. I am a very outgoing social person and with not having events being held it was hard for me to meet people and ada

Build that Audience

 This week, the chapter was over how to market with Facebook. Facebook is a social media platform that is one of the most used social media platforms to date. There are many tips talked about in the chapter to market using Facebook, but what we haven't talked about in class yet is building an audience.  Building an audience is crucial to succeeding on the app Facebook. To maximize your business or whatever else you are working with it is important to tailor your content to a specific audience you are trying to reach. However, first, you must begin to make friends on Facebook. You must start small and contact some of the people that you know and then start broadening your horizons to people you are trying to connect with.  I know whenever I go on social media and start following people I start to try to connect and become online friends with people in my own field. This could be people that are currently in the sport management/public relations field. This could also be alumni of th

Bounce Back

The game on Saturday was not fun. If you don't already know we got upset very badly at Musky. I don't think anyone on the team really expected us to lose this game. We had an iffy week of practice, but I don't think anyone really predicted that we would end up losing the game. In my personal opinion, I thought that we were the better team with more talented players, but we just didn't get it done. I felt embarrassed and upset after this game. I was in pure shock. I had a long bus ride home to think about how the game went as a whole and what we exactly did right and wrong. I did a lot of soul searching on the way home and I realized that I have to be better and it starts now.  What is most important now is to bounce back. There is no point in dwelling on this game anymore. There is nothing that we can do about it anymore so we shouldn't think about it. The only thing that we as a team can do is to bounce back. It all starts during practice. Everyone knows the saying

What Should I Post?

The main focus of chapter 2 was how to strategize yourself and your content to get your messages across and connect with whatever audience you are trying to reach. There are many steps that you can take to make a plan of how you are going to develop content. I am just going to focus on the first couple of steps and elaborate more on them. The first step that the chapter focuses on is identifying a target market and creating personas. This is a very necessary step to be able to connect with your audience. Identifying a target audience really means just making sure you know who you are talking to and who you are targeting. You don't want to be talking about something that doesn't apply to your audience. If you are in charge of selling hiking bags to hikers you want to tailor your content towards those individuals. This also ties into creating personas. The hiker would be one of those personas that you are creating. These personas are developed by collecting data and researching d

Game #1 Recap

 Game number one is finally in the books. After all the long, hot days of preseason camp and all the 6 hour sleepless nights, we finally got the chance to compete in a meaningful football game, and man it was fun. After not raining for nearly four weeks of preseason camp, mother nature had other plans in order for Saturday night. From pretty much kickoff until the final snap it was pouring. Usually, I would hate playing in the rain, but for some reason, the whole team embraced the conditions and we had a heck of a time. It is always easy when you are winning and playing well. From the first snap, our offense and defense were clicking on all cylinders. We went down and scored the first drive in the season in a quick fashion and it was awesome to see. It was great to see us get a win after all the work we put in during the preseason that no one gets to see. The crowd at Dial Roberson Stadium and everyone in the ONU community got to see what the Bears are all made of. There were a lot of

Google Yourself

Have you ever just went on google and typed in your name in the search bar and looked at the results? Doing this might be a good idea next time you are online. Hopefully, the results that show up are positive images of yourself, but if the results that show up negatively affect your image or the things you see will limit your chance of getting a job in the future then it is probably a good idea to find a way to get the content down and to stop and think about what you are posting the next time you think about posting something risky. Social media really should be used as a tool for us, not a burden.  Social media is a gateway for employees to look deeper into an individual's character. A person's social media account and the images that show up when you google them really show what kind of person that individual is. That's why it is so important to sensor what you put out there on social media platforms because once the content is out there and it is really hard for that to