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Game #1 Recap

 Game number one is finally in the books. After all the long, hot days of preseason camp and all the 6 hour sleepless nights, we finally got the chance to compete in a meaningful football game, and man it was fun. After not raining for nearly four weeks of preseason camp, mother nature had other plans in order for Saturday night. From pretty much kickoff until the final snap it was pouring. Usually, I would hate playing in the rain, but for some reason, the whole team embraced the conditions and we had a heck of a time. It is always easy when you are winning and playing well.

From the first snap, our offense and defense were clicking on all cylinders. We went down and scored the first drive in the season in a quick fashion and it was awesome to see. It was great to see us get a win after all the work we put in during the preseason that no one gets to see. The crowd at Dial Roberson Stadium and everyone in the ONU community got to see what the Bears are all made of. There were a lot of good memories of Saturday night. One of those memories is seeing some of the underclassmen step up and go in the game and making an impact immediately. There is something very special about this team and I am so excited to see what we still have in store.

I know I have said this countless times but I am very grateful to be a part of this program and this university. There was a huge crowd that braved the conditions and helped us get us a win on opening night. I know there are a lot of universities that wouldn't get the support that we do and I know the whole team is grateful for it. The football team really feels like a family. We spend most of our time during the fall together and I wouldn't have it any other way. The coaches really care about you and want you to succeed. This whole campus is a community and I am glad to be just a small part of it. 


  1. Noah, good win Saturday night! It is always great when the Polar Bears get a win, especially in the season opener underneath the lights! I love when you talked about being truly grateful to be a part of a sports team here at such a great university and a community that supports them, I feel the same way. I saw you had a good game also, and got a couple catches. Keep up the good work, Noah.


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