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Chapter 1 Material

One of the biggest concepts I comprehended out of the content in chapter one of the introduction of social media is the different advantages and disadvantages of social media. I want to focus on the advantages. Some of the advantages of social media include being able to build your brand, communicating with family and friends, and capturing memories. The most important advantage from the chapter for me is being able to connect with family and friends while also collecting memories along the way. Family and friends are two of the biggest components of my life and they always will be. Being away from my family and friends during college can be very stressful. I am very guilty of relying on my mom and dad to do many things for me. Even though I am a sophomore now, I still am trying to adapt and settle in to do things on my own. Even though I struggle at times, the access to social media has given me the opportunity to connect with my family and friends so I feel like I have a little bit of home still with me as I continue to adjust to life at college and away from home. Social media also has given me the opportunity to relive memories from the past that would be gone otherwise. I can recall countless times where I would have a Snapchat memory pop up on my account from years ago and I could see how much life was different back then than it is now. In my personal opinion, I believe the positives outweigh the negatives regarding the idea of social media and the different accounts and platforms involved with social media. Without social media in my life, I don't think I would have the same friends I do now and the same relationships I have with my family members. Social media has truly given me peace at times knowing that I can connect with my family and friends back home with a simple touch of a button. 


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