This week, the chapter was over how to market with Facebook. Facebook is a social media platform that is one of the most used social media platforms to date. There are many tips talked about in the chapter to market using Facebook, but what we haven't talked about in class yet is building an audience.
Building an audience is crucial to succeeding on the app Facebook. To maximize your business or whatever else you are working with it is important to tailor your content to a specific audience you are trying to reach. However, first, you must begin to make friends on Facebook. You must start small and contact some of the people that you know and then start broadening your horizons to people you are trying to connect with.
I know whenever I go on social media and start following people I start to try to connect and become online friends with people in my own field. This could be people that are currently in the sport management/public relations field. This could also be alumni of the university that went through the program. It could also be professionals in the field that you are interested in. If you connect with those people and begin to form a relationship with those people that could help you in the future down the road. What can also help is that when followers of this professional see that the professional is following you then their followers will start to connect with you and could broaden your brand and make it better.
Building and marketing your brand on Facebook is easier than it is set it out to be. In my opinion, starting with building your audience is crucial. Once you have a good following and start to connect with more people then it will be easier for when you do post content, the content will be seen by so many more people than if you didn't already establish a good audience.
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