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Google Yourself

Have you ever just went on google and typed in your name in the search bar and looked at the results? Doing this might be a good idea next time you are online. Hopefully, the results that show up are positive images of yourself, but if the results that show up negatively affect your image or the things you see will limit your chance of getting a job in the future then it is probably a good idea to find a way to get the content down and to stop and think about what you are posting the next time you think about posting something risky. Social media really should be used as a tool for us, not a burden. 

Social media is a gateway for employees to look deeper into an individual's character. A person's social media account and the images that show up when you google them really show what kind of person that individual is. That's why it is so important to sensor what you put out there on social media platforms because once the content is out there and it is really hard for that to get erased. 

Social media can be used as a tool to help you gain exposure in the job field, but it can also hinder your appearance and reputation if you are not careful about what you post. Many employers lookup at individuals' social media accounts and google them to take a deeper look and if they don't like what they see they automatically get thrown out. Social media has many advantages but it also has disadvantages like I have just talked about, so my tip is to just be aware of what content you are putting out and how it might affect your future because down the line it could be the reason you got the job or lost it. 


  1. Hi Noah! This post is eye opening, and I agree with you 100%. Social media is a tricky world and if we don't take a second before we post our employment lives could be in jeopardy. I like that you mentioned how employees, just by looking at one post can look deeper into an individual character. I would take it a step further and mention that social media is not the reality of an individual and we shouldn't judge at a glance. However, that is how the media is today and we should portray ourselves the best we can, before someone thinks of us differently. You had very clear points and I defiantly agree we all need to watch what we post!


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