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Bounce Back

The game on Saturday was not fun. If you don't already know we got upset very badly at Musky. I don't think anyone on the team really expected us to lose this game. We had an iffy week of practice, but I don't think anyone really predicted that we would end up losing the game. In my personal opinion, I thought that we were the better team with more talented players, but we just didn't get it done. I felt embarrassed and upset after this game. I was in pure shock. I had a long bus ride home to think about how the game went as a whole and what we exactly did right and wrong. I did a lot of soul searching on the way home and I realized that I have to be better and it starts now. 
What is most important now is to bounce back. There is no point in dwelling on this game anymore. There is nothing that we can do about it anymore so we shouldn't think about it. The only thing that we as a team can do is to bounce back. It all starts during practice. Everyone knows the saying "You practice how you play." This couldn't be true for us right now. If we don't come out and practice to our full abilities then that will transfer over into the game on Saturday. I don't think anyone wants to relive that feeling of losing next week and personally, I don't think that we will. If we come out and handle our business this week, I think we should be just fine. It all comes down to us and our team has to take control of our future. We have a great group of upperclassmen to lead us through the ups and downs and I have my full trust in them to lead us in the right direction and get the job done. Even though we may not be undefeated anymore I'm still excited to see what our future has in store. 


  1. Noah, I truly loved what you said in this blog, but keep your head up. I loved when you talked about soul searching on the long bus ride home. I do the same after a loss on a long bus ride, I think it is really good to do, I feel like you can learn a lot. I always agree that you practice how you play, whenever I have great weeks of practice I feel like I also play very good. Get the next one this Saturday!

  2. I really enjoyed reading this blog, I'm sorry to hear that the game didn't go as you'd hoped, but you found a way to turn this story into one about resilience which I think is one we all need to hear from time to time. I like that you mentioned how you took some time to think things over on the bus ride, because self reflection is such a huge part of moving forward especially when it comes to achieving your goals. I may not be in any sports, but I'm a huge believer that a lot of the same concepts carry over into daily life. So, I really resonated with this post and wish you all the luck at your next game on Saturday!

  3. Whats up Noah, first and foremost I want to tell you that you played your butt off man. It was a devastating loss, but look on the bright side, we still have 9 more games left. We still have a chance to make it to the playoffs and go far. We honestly needed that wake up call by the way practice went all last week. We weren't locked in like we were suppose to and Muskingum humbled us really quick. Now we know any team can gives us a run for their money and that we can't take teams lightly. We have to approach every week like we're playing the number one team in the conference. We got this, lets go dominate this week against Wilmington and show the OAC we're national championship contenders.

  4. I understand how you feel completely. I remember in high school we played our rival who was terrible and we ended up losing because we played horrible and took them for granted. Keep your head up and stay focused on your goals.


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