Being a college student can be very stressful at times. In my opinion, being a college athlete can be even harder. This week has been the most stressful I have been since I have joined college. I have never really had good time management skills, and now juggling football, schoolwork, and my social life is becoming overwhelming. In high school, it was pretty easy for me to play both sports and handle schoolwork because the schoolwork wasn't nearly as time-consuming or challenging. Now the school is obviously becoming more challenging and my time commitment to my sport is increasing. I never really realized how much time I would be spending on either schoolwork or playing football. The only time during the week I have time to myself when I am not working on school or doing something with football is during the weekend or when I am sleeping. I also am not the biggest fan of school in the first place so it can get hard for me to stay motivated and sometimes even show up to class...Eve