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Showing posts from October, 2021

The Craziness of a College Athlete

Being a college student can be very stressful at times. In my opinion, being a college athlete can be even harder. This week has been the most stressful I have been since I have joined college. I have never really had good time management skills, and now juggling football, schoolwork, and my social life is becoming overwhelming. In high school, it was pretty easy for me to play both sports and handle schoolwork because the schoolwork wasn't nearly as time-consuming or challenging. Now the school is obviously becoming more challenging and my time commitment to my sport is increasing. I never really realized how much time I would be spending on either schoolwork or playing football. The only time during the week I have time to myself when I am not working on school or doing something with football is during the weekend or when I am sleeping. I also am not the biggest fan of school in the first place so it can get hard for me to stay motivated and sometimes even show up to class...Eve

YouTube is Unique

 Another platform that businesses can use for marketing and different strategies is Youtube. Many times I have been watching different videos on Youtube and different ads pop up. These are examples of how businesses are using advertisements on Youtube to build their brands and promote awareness for their brands. Youtube is different from other social media sites as all of Youtubes's advertising is all by video. Other social media sites have different strategies and different ways they can promote their content. Youtube is just video. That is what makes Youtube unique. Another reason Youtube is unique is that the advertisers only pay when customers show interest. If the customers show no interest, they do not have to pay. Also, many other social media platforms have certain target audiences that they reach. Youtube has the ability to reach a variety of target audiences which is another way that Youtube is unique. The question that I ask myself is if companies can be successful while

NBA season is Back

 This week is the first week of true NBA basketball games. I am a huge fan of the NBA and watching the games. Most people hate watching basketball, but I love it. I especially like watching my favorite team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. Cleveland is currently playing in their first game as I type this blog. My roommate and I are glued to our seats and I am sure we will not be moving. I remember a few years back when Lebron left the Cavs to go to the Miami Heat, I was devastated. I grew up watching Lebron on the Cavs and I was sad to see him leave. I never stopped being a Cavs fan though. I remember when I was in middle school my parents brought me to a Cavs game and I fell in love with the team even more. That is when I knew I would be a fan for life. Then Lebron made the decision to come back to his hometown and compete for a championship. I remember watching his announcement sitting on my living room couch. It literally made my entire week. It was even better watching Lebron lead the Cav

Marketing with LinkedIn

 The past couple of social media platforms that I have been talking about in my blogs have been less formal, but what I am going to talk about today is more professional. LinkedIn is the most professional social media network out there. LinkedIn has over 740 million users in over 200 countries. Like many other social media networks, it is global. The main purpose of LinkedIn is to connect with professionals around the world, advance careers, stay in touch with industry news, etc. By 2004, the platform reached 1 million professionals and by 2007 it reached 10 million. This was a relatively fast-growing industry. The philosophy has not changed from the start of the network to what it is now. It is to connect with people in your field and related fields.  For my future career, I would like to work in the sports industry. I currently have a LinkedIn account and have connected with many people in my field. Based on just my LinkedIn account I have been able to have interviews with many peopl

Marketing with Pinterest

 I never thought of Pinterest to be used as a marketing tool, but as I have learned pretty much any social media platform can be used for marketing. Pinterest was not shockingly discovered in college by a group of friends. It has seemed like a common theme that these now very popular social media platforms all started in a college dorm room with a group of friends. As stated in the text, Pinterest usage started off very slow, but by 2011 would become one of the top 10 social networking sites. There are a couple different ways that businesses have used Pinterest for marketing. One of these ways include brands sharing inspiring pins by increasing web traffic through Pinterest. How Pinterest works is by people putting out certain pins that users have put out. There is, however, a component on Pinterest called rich pins. Rich pins are generally a pin that allows brands to put out more information. These can be incredibly useful because brands might need to put out lengthy content to get th

Fall Break Fun

 This past weekend into early this week was fall break here at ONU. We also had a bye week for football. This gave me the opportunity to go home for the weekend. When I was home I got to spend some valuable time with my friends and family that I haven't seen in over 2 months. It is always good to get the chance to go home and see all the people you missed the most. It was a really relaxing weekend for me. My family and I went out to eat on Friday night and caught some of my old high school football team's game. I also got to hang out with some of my friends and watch a movie with them. On Saturday, all of my friends and I went golfing during the day. I might not be very good at golf, but it was fun to be able to golf and hang out with all of my friends again. After golf, we all went back to my friend's house and watched some football and had a campfire. My favorite nights are when I can just sit around the fire with some of my closest friends and have fun together. Sunday c

Is Snapchat Marketing Effective?

Snapchat has become a prominent tool to market a business or products to the world. I do believe that using Snapchat as a marketing tool is effective. I believe it is effective because of the number of people that are on the app. Almost 500 million people are regular Snapchat users. That is half a billion people that have a chance to see your advertisement or marketing tool if you use Snapchat for marketing. Also if the goal of your business is to reach the younger population, Snapchat is a key way to do so. Among everyone on the app, the vast majority are teenagers and young adults. 69 percent of active users are 13-17-year-olds and 62% of active users are 18-29-year-olds. 77% of college students use Snapchat daily also.  Also, Snapchat can be seen as less formal compared to the platforms it can still be used as a tool for marketing and advertising. Snapchat ads receive twice the visual attention of Facebook ads, 1.5 times more than Instagram, and 1.3 times more than Youtube. It is al

PRSSA Meeting

 For one of my school assignments, we had to attend an event this week around campus with homecoming. Due to my busy schedule this weekend I chose to attend the PRSSA meeting Thursday night. There were some other events to pick from but with my schedule being very busy this was the only event that I could get to go to. In addition to just attending, we also had to live-tweet this event giving updates with key takeaways from the event. This isn't the most orthodox assignment for a class that I get to do, but it was actually pretty interesting. This PRSSA meeting was all about ethics. September is Ethics Month in this organization so it was only fitting that our meeting would be over ethics and how it ties into public relations. For this event, they brought in a couple of guest speakers. These guest speakers were Ronele Dotson and Jo Ann LeSage Nelson. They talked about different types of crises and walked us through different case studies with what they had to deal with. What I like