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Is Snapchat Marketing Effective?

Snapchat has become a prominent tool to market a business or products to the world. I do believe that using Snapchat as a marketing tool is effective. I believe it is effective because of the number of people that are on the app. Almost 500 million people are regular Snapchat users. That is half a billion people that have a chance to see your advertisement or marketing tool if you use Snapchat for marketing. Also if the goal of your business is to reach the younger population, Snapchat is a key way to do so. Among everyone on the app, the vast majority are teenagers and young adults. 69 percent of active users are 13-17-year-olds and 62% of active users are 18-29-year-olds. 77% of college students use Snapchat daily also. 

Also, Snapchat can be seen as less formal compared to the platforms it can still be used as a tool for marketing and advertising. Snapchat ads receive twice the visual attention of Facebook ads, 1.5 times more than Instagram, and 1.3 times more than Youtube. It is also very low cost and many people buy products from Snapchat. I can recall a time where I was scrolling through Snapchat and I was very hungry. The next ad that popped up then was an ad for Taco Bell. That as alone made me get off my couch and go to Taco Bell and get food. Taco Bell gained a customer off of a simple social media ad that they put out.

In conclusion, Snapchat can be a huge tool to help build brand awareness and help with promoting their products and their company. This is especially prominent in the younger population which makes up the up. Just a Snapchat ad can influence someone's behavior that could lead to helping their business. 


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