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Marketing with Pinterest

 I never thought of Pinterest to be used as a marketing tool, but as I have learned pretty much any social media platform can be used for marketing. Pinterest was not shockingly discovered in college by a group of friends. It has seemed like a common theme that these now very popular social media platforms all started in a college dorm room with a group of friends. As stated in the text, Pinterest usage started off very slow, but by 2011 would become one of the top 10 social networking sites. There are a couple different ways that businesses have used Pinterest for marketing. One of these ways include brands sharing inspiring pins by increasing web traffic through Pinterest. How Pinterest works is by people putting out certain pins that users have put out. There is, however, a component on Pinterest called rich pins. Rich pins are generally a pin that allows brands to put out more information. These can be incredibly useful because brands might need to put out lengthy content to get their message across. There are different types of rich pins such as product pins, recipe pins, article pins, etc, all for their intended purpose based on what type of pin they specifically are. If you are trying to market on Pinterest it is important to make your account into a business account. This can help your account stand out among the rest. Pinterest has an algorithm it follows just like other social media sites. It is based on the quality of pins, the quality of the source behind the pin, and a rating for each pin. It is also very important for accounts to be active on the site. It is recommended that a business pins about 5 to thirty times per day based on how much information they can handle. Many people that go on Pinterest buy things off of the site. This means it can also be used as an advertising tool. If a business wants to sell something they can pin it on the site which can help get that product exposure. Pinterest can work in a variety of ways for a business and I am glad I could learn how to use it in my future endeavors. 


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