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Showing posts from December, 2021

Chapter 14

 Although we don't have enough time to cover chapter 14 in our class I thought it was a very unique chapter that I wanted to do my final blog on of the year. This whole chapter is about influencer marketing in the realm of social media. Many people know what an influencer is. The main definition of an influencer is someone who carries influence within a certain business or brand they use their platform to get their message across to help the business. When I think of the word influencer I think of the platform of TikTok. There are so many content creators on TikTok that are considered influencers. Many of these influencers post videos about products that they use to help that specific business. These influencers are then paid for their services. The actual concept of influencer marketing is using these influencers to promote a brand message and help build your brand. Athletes were the main first form of influencers. There are many factors that make up a good influencer. Some of the

"Dead Week"

 As many of you know, this week is considered dead week. I really don't understand the point of calling it a dead week, when it isn't really dead. This week is by far the busiest time of the semester for me. This week is also the most assignments that I have had all semester. I have asked many upperclassmen about the term dead week and they all agree that, that it doesn't exist. In my eyes dead week should be a week dedicated to studying and preparing for final exams. Right now that really isn't happening for me. This week I have been doing many assignments that aren't even going to be on my final exams. In my opinion, I think during "dead week", no classes should be held. I believe that students shouldn't have to attend classes if they don't want to, but have the opportunity to attend office hours to ask questions and have one on one time. This is the most stressful that I have been since starting college because I am trying to distinguish what ho

Chapter 13

 In this week's chapter, we focused all on social media marketing campaigns. There are many examples of campaigns that can happen. There can be political campaigns, military campaigns, marketing campaigns, etc. Right now we are going to focus on marketing campaigns that deal with social media. In general, the definition of a campaign is basically a set of planned things geared toward achieving goals established by the firm. Marketers use the idea of "Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)." This type of tool uses promotional items to use towards a specific campaign idea. This is where we introduce social media marketing campaigns. This is a marketing effort to target a certain audience to achieve a goal. These types of campaigns are different from others because they have specific start and end dates. Many other campaigns don't necessarily have specific dates where they start and finish. Social media campaigns are on the rise recently. I feel like this is because of