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Showing posts from November, 2021

Much Needed Break

 Last week we students here at Ohio Northern University finally got our Thanksgiving break. I talked to many of my friends and classmates around campus about the break and they all agreed with me that this break was very much needed. It has been a long semester for many of us and the break gave us time to recharge and get ready to get through these last 3 weeks of school and do well on our finals before we get a month off for Christmas break. I did many things that helped me relax and recharge over break. The most important thing that I did was SLEEP. It was very nice not having to wake up at 8 am and attend a class. Getting the opportunity to sleep in my own bed and sleep in was so refreshing. It was also good to see some friends and connect with people from back home that I haven't seen in a while. On Friday, I hung out with some of my childhood best friends from home and it was awesome to see them. I haven't seen them in forever and it was great to catch up. On Saturday, I g

Football is Over

 After days of practices, meetings, and games, it hurts to say the 2021 football season has come to a close. I know it hasn't necessarily been one of the better years this program has had but I loved every second of it. There really is nothing like going out with your brothers and playing 60 minutes of football, the game you love the most. If you haven't seen it already we lost in a devastating fashion. We lost on a hail mary ball in the endzone with 8 seconds left after driving down and scoring 30 seconds before that. That was the part that really stung. We, underclassmen, were doing everything in our power to try to send these seniors out on top and it just didn't work out. Now it is time to move on as much as it hurts. I am now a junior football-wise and the preparation for next season starts now. I definitely need to get to work this offseason. Last year we never really had an offseason. Since the Covid year moved everything to the spring we never really had any time of


 Today, I had to complete an assignment about an issue in social media. I then had to talk about the issue on a podcast. I surprisingly had some fun with this assignment. The topic that I chose to talk about what cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a huge issue in the world today and sadly it will only keep growing based on the development of social media nowadays. According to, cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. This bullying is “popular” because there is no retaliation involved. People can just hide behind a screen and belittle someone without any repercussions. People also do this many times because there are fewer emotions involved. The person doing the bullying can’t see the reactions of the victim. The person bullying doesn’t necessarily have any guilt about it because they can’t see the reactions. I personally have come over many forms of cyberbullying in my life growing up with social media. I h


 Chapter 12 talks about different ways to get active on social media or on the web. The first thing that chapter talks about is what I am doing right now, blogging. Blogging has really taken off lately. Year by year they have gotten more popular. Fashion blogs lead in popularity just edging out food blogs. Realistically you can write a blog about pretty much anything. This whole semester I have written about school, sports, and chapter summaries. The limits are pretty much neverending with blogs. Whatever crosses your mind you can make it into a blog. Blogs can also be used for marketing. Blogs can help businesses build their brand awareness, establish credibility, and so much more. Many businesses use brands as their primary way of marketing which is very interesting. Although there are many positives to marketing with blogs it also comes with some disadvantages. There are many key advantages to get started with Blogging such as setting goals, identifying the target market, creating a

Bendo Bowl

 This week for the Ohio Northern University football team we play against Heidelburg University for our last game of the season. This annual game is considered the Bendo Bowl short for Bendekovic Bowl. This game started in memory of the late Ronnie and Jason Bendekovic.  Ronnie was an assistant coach here at ONU at the time he died in 2005. Jason worked at Heidelberg when he passed away in 2010. They both passed away nearly to the same day just 5 years apart. The two coaching staff of Ohio Northern and Heidelburg University thought they should do something in remembrance of them. That is how the Bendo Bowl was created. Last year we played the Bendo Bowl in the spring and we came up just short to a very good Heidelburg team. That ended up being our last game of the year because of Covid cancelling our final game against John Carroll. This year, I think means a lot to these seniors and to this team. I think most of us on the team would admit this isn't how we wanted our season to go.

Marketing with TikTok

 TikTok is originally a Chinese-based app and has now moved nationwide in the previous years. By 2018 it because the 3rd most downloaded app in the world. I personally think TikTok is a great way for business to build their brands and help promote awareness. In recent years, marketing on TikTok has definitely risen. I believe this has risen because of the popularity of the app. Pretty much everyone I know owns TikTok and is on it very frequently. I catch myself staring at my phone scrolling through TikTok for hours at a time. It is a very addicting social media app that businesses can help users in their favor. Recently, I have started to see more ads pop up on my page than usual. Ever since I got the app last year the amounts of advertisements by the business have risen at a high rate. Another thing I have noticed recently is the number of businesses that is partnering up with well-known creators to help get their product awareness and to gain popularity. If people see their favorite

Thanksgiving Break

 Right about this time in the semester I really fellow students and I really start to get warn out of school. Schoolwork right around this time always heats up. Many of my classes are holding exams this week which puts on added stress with all of my other activities going on. What I really want and what my of my classmates want to come sooner is Thanksgiving Break. I know I am ready for it. Every day I wake up I am exhausted because I was up late doing homework the night before. I am also on football so the time where I could be doing homework and catching up on some sleep, I am at football and devote my time to that. Even though many students are not in athletics I can tell many of them are mentally drained. Many students are starting to not give sufficient effort to homework or exams anymore because they are just tired of it. I know I fall right into that category. These are a couple reasons why I am ready for Thanksgiving break. Having the opportunity to go home for a week and be aw