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Client Presentation

 Recently, for my Social Media Strategies and Campaigns class, we were paired with a client that needed social media to help to guide them for the future. My group was paired with an auto body shop out of Findlay called Findlay Auto Plus.

There were many steps to this project. For the first step of this project, tot we met with an employee from the company and just got a basic overview of their company and what they specifically needed from our group for this project. Next, we developed a social media strategy for our client. This was an audit of our company, our consumers, and our competitors. We went over where, what, when, why, and the opportunities for each group. This gives us a basic guideline as to what we are dealing with. Next, we developed a social media policy for our employees. This gives basic guidelines for how employees should act on social media. Next, we developed a content calendar. The content calendar in general is a layout of what posts we will be posting and the specific timing of the posts. It also covers what strategy or objective we are trying to accomplish with that post. We then developed some infographics for the company about different topics. Finally, we put all of these assignments into a planbook with many other details to give to the client so they can see what work we did for them over the semester.

Yesterday, we presented our work to our client and I would say our client was pleasantly surprised with our work. We encountered many problems and challenges during this project, but overall it was a great experience. 


  1. Noah, it was great working with you! I think we did good presenting.


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