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 For the past couple of weeks, I have been looking for a summer internship. I have never been through this internship process before, so I was pretty confused about what to do at the start. The first step I did was to meet with the professor who deals with all internships. He is pretty much an expert in the field as well. I also met with my academic advisor when scheduling classes and mentioned finding an internship to him as well. It was a pretty stressful process for me. I was a double major in sport management and public relations so technically I had to do two internships to get my two internship credits. After talking to my parents and my public relations professor we decided that it would be best to drop my public relations major and make it a minor. I made this decision because I didn't really enjoy the writing part of public relations, and that is going to be a big part of a public relations job. I just don't really see myself enjoying a job in a PR department. Now that I dropped my PR major, I only have to focus on getting a sport management internship. When thinking about getting an internship, I wanted to get an internship in Ohio and around my current location. The first option that I thought of was to apply for the Toledo Mud Hens in Toledo, OH. This would work out perfectly for me because my brother has a two-bedroom apartment in Bowling Green, OH, and I would be able to live there for cheap. So, one evening I decided to apply for the Toledo Mud Hens. The next day I got an email that they wanted to have an interview with me. Yesterday I had that interview, and it went very well. They offered me the position at the end of the interview. I was very excited, so I decided to accept the job. I am now in the process of getting the paperwork straightened out and getting everything official! I am very excited about this opportunity. 


  1. Noah, that is big-time! Super happy for you! After having an internship last summer, it was nothing short of amazing. I learned so much about marketing and the ways to better myself. Good luck!


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