It is getting to the point in the semester where things are starting to add up. Not only academic-wise but in personal life as well. As you already know, in my previous blog post, I talked about my baseball coach that suddenly passed away. This obviously wasn't very easy on me, as I struggled throughout the week to focus on school and other things. Also, schoolwork has started to amount to me. I have been having exams in some classes that are difficult, that I actually have to study for. Throughout my first 2 years of college, I never had to study for any exams, because my classes just came easy to me. This semester, I am in some more challenging courses that are causing some stress for me. If you are experiencing any type of stress, it is important to acknowledge some mechanisms to help you.
If you are experiencing an extreme amount of stress, there are always campus resources available. Here at ONU, we have a counseling center that will help you if you are in need. Another thing that has helped me recently is to try to just stay present at the moment. Once you start overthinking things and thinking about the future, stress will start to begin. Another thing that we can do is to take responsibility for our mistakes, but don't let them consume us. It is important to acknowledge your mistakes and take responsibility for them, but you must learn to forgive yourself and move on before letting them consume you. In my opinion, the most important step to deal with stress is to take care of yourself. If you have great hygiene and your living space is clean and organized, this will start to put your mind at ease. These are just a couple of tips that have helped me deal with stress. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with it, but if you ever truly need help, you are never weak to reach out to someone.
Noah, I love that you aren't afraid to write about this. I am big on dealing with stress and having a good attitude. I love how you mentioned keeping your space clean can help with your stress. I know that when I stay organized, my stress levels stay low.