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School Stress

 As we move along through our first couple weeks of class, school can get very stressful and frustrating. There are many thoughts that go through my mind during the first couple weeks of class such as what books I need to get, how hard each class will be, how will I manage my time between school and my social life. I feel like all of us students have experienced this at least a couple times already and are experiencing it right now as classes begin to start rolling.

One of my biggest tips about how to deal with so much stress is to give your mind a break. Being a college student is very challenging. Many people at ONU are also athletes so trying to juggle being an athlete and performing at your best in that realm while also trying to accomplish everything you want in the classroom can be very stressful. One thing that I found that worked best for me is just giving my mind a break every once in a while. Do things that you love to do. One thing that I do to just get away from everything is just watching a movie and trying not to think about everything that has been stressing me out. I learned the hard way that if I have a constant worry about homework, tests, practice, games, etc, my mental health goes down the drain. It is very important to succeed in the classroom and on the football field for me, but it is also very important to give myself a break sometimes and enjoy doing things that don't always give me so much stress. 

What I want people to get out of what I am trying to say is to just have fun. College is the best time of our lives and we have to live it up. School and sports are very important things to be considered during college, but also the memories that are created can last a lifetime. 


  1. Noah, I love this blog and it is something I am also considering writing about too. I don't think people realize the mental toll that school can have on you and then adding athletics can make it even harder too. I love when you talked about just watching a movie and just getting away from the things that bother you, I am the same way, I just never try to over stress and always think of the simpler things in life that we sometimes forget about. College truly is the best time of our life, you are right and hope people realize that too. We are all at a great university that has great job placement rates, be grateful.

  2. You’re definitely right about school causing stress! I am not participating in any athletics, but last semester working part time at an internship, working as a tutor, and completing course work really competed for my time. When courses really started piling on the work, I definitely felt the stress. I never really fell behind, but there were a few days that I took off just to have days off. On those days I completely ignored any responsibilities and just hung out. It may have been foolish to completely ignore responsibilities, but it was so worth it. I have never once regretted taking a day off, assuming I keep the number of days off reasonable. As we transition out of college and into the workforce I think it is also important to remember that a job is only part of your life – when you’re off the clock, work should be off your mind. This isn’t really applicable to school since school is really a 24/7 thing, but in general I think that is an important mindset to maintain.


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