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Showing posts from November, 2022

Much Needed Break

 This last week was one of the most relaxing weeks that I have had in a while. We were on Thanksgiving break, which I am sure was very much needed by many. I had a very relaxing, yet enjoyable Thanksgiving break. The Sunday after I went home I got to do something that I never had the chance to do, go to a Cleveland Browns game. This game was initially scheduled to be in Buffalo, but due to a big snowstorm that hit the city, the game got moved to Detroit. This made it a much easier and shorter drive, so I persuaded my dad to pull the trigger and buy the tickets. We got really good seats for a cheap price. Even though the Browns didn't come out on top, I still had a lot of fun with my family. The rest of the week I went to a couple Thanksgiving parties. It was fun seeing some of my relatives and friends that I hadn't seen in a really long time. Other than those parties, I pretty much just relaxed for that whole week. However, this previous Saturday, I got the chance to tailgate t


I had one of the best meals that I have had in a while last night. About twenty of my friends got together and had one big meal before we all went our separate ways for Thanksgiving break. The meal was especially good because it was prepared by one of my friend's mom. In the past, she has come up to campus to make us a home-cooked meal throughout the week and it is always so delicious, so I had very high expectations for this meal. It definitely did not disappoint.  This meal was a full Thanksgiving feast. Any food that you could have wanted on your Thanksgiving table was there. For the last couple of meals, I have been eating at the Wow CafĂ© here on campus and I was completely tired of it. So when my friend told me his mom was coming up, I was so excited. Our friend group definitely struggles with finding food to eat sometimes, so it is almost refreshing to not have to find something to eat. I am truly blessed with some of the best friends a guy could ask for. There aren't a l

Coming to an End

 If you are following the football team and our season, you know that this is the season's last week and last game. I am not going to lie, it has been a very long season for us. We are currently 2-7 which is very unfamiliar territory for many players on our team. In high school, I never had a season with more than 3 losses, so this has been relatively different for me.  Even though our record doesn't show it, this has been the closest team that I have been a part of since coming to campus three years ago. In the future, that is what we are all going to remember. We are going to remember the relationships that we formed and that are going to last for the rest of our lives.  Some of the seniors that are graduating have been some of my best friends for the last three years. I actually live with two seniors that are graduating now. As this week has gone on and we continue to do events for senior week, it has gotten to be very emotional. I still don't think it has hit me that so

Thanksgiving Break

I think it is getting to that time of the year when everyone needs a break. I am currently sitting in class writing this blog and half of my class decided to skip today. I don't think this is due to pure laziness. I believe this is from pure exhaustion and these people need a break. I won't lie, I have definitely thought about skipping a couple classes these last few weeks. I think this is normal for this time of year. Also, this week we have a lot of sports teams in the postseason. Being a college athlete, I can say that it is very hard to always have a perfect balance between sports and academics. When a team is performing really well and has a chance to go deep into the playoffs, I wouldn't blame them for missing a class or two to get a little bit more prepared for their games.   Also, if you have been following Ohio Northern sports you have seen that the football team is not having a good year at all. This has been very hard for me because I have never been a part o